Friday, May 29, 2009

Sat nam; Namaste; Slaindte: Welcome to Sassy's Crystal blogs

Sat Nam: The truth is now--you are the truth
Namaste: The divine light in me knows the divine light in you.
Slaindte: Blessings and greetings from my heart to yours.

Welcome to the crystal healing and Yoga blog.

I am a licensed cryrstal Healer, Yoga instructor and aroma therapist. I also have my certification in energetic massage. I have ben practicing Yoga and forms of holistic healing for eight years. Yoga and crystals, along with prayer and a good dose of love and courage have saved my life.

I am a three-time cancer survivor. My most recent battle was with multiple brain tumors. After undergoing neurosurgery to remove two of three tumors on the right side of my brain, I had a MRI and bone scan which detected a bone tuor on the left side of my face. Two weeks later, I had a second scan preparatory to doing a bone biopsy and starting chemo therapy (after having been told this tumor was likely to kill me). All that was there was a series of deep scars in the bone. The bone tumor had vanished.

From having life threatening bone tumors to having bone scars in two weeks? That's the power of crystal healing. That is the power of prayer, love, ultimately, of God Himself.

Before I go any further, I have to make that usual disclaimer. God is the miracle worker, not the healer, not the crystal, not the doctor, and certainly not me, or those participating in this blog. Nothing in this blog is meant to be an official medical diagnosis or perscribed treatment. You should always seek medical advice from a trusted source before embarking on any course of treatment. I hope for your wellbeing, but in no way am I responsible for your healin by runing this blog. Be careful when choosig a holistic healing practitioner. Herbal, crystal or Yogic recommendations are on this blog as general suggestions. Plese always check with a doctor to make sure they will in no way interfere with any current treatments. Please consider westen medicine in extreme circumstances, or as needed in your life. Use both holistic healing methods and alementary medicine wisely.

That having been said, I hope you find miracles here and a way of living that will change your life for the beter.

I will have contributing bloggers post here periodically. Others in my field, Yogis, healers, or benefactors of various holistic healing techniques.

If you have questions, or an idea for a post, please feel free to leave me a coment or send me an email, and i'll do my best to answer you.

I am Christian in faith, but that does not exclude anyone or any belief from this blog. Whether you embrace one god or many, please fee at home here and share your thoughts bout your healing, body, mind, heart, and soul. Holistic healing often involves mental work, energy work, what some would call magical and psychic gifts. Be respectful of all views that are posted here, please. All views are welcome here, except those who harm or hurt.

The Yogis say "There is but one truth, called by a thousand names." Whatever walk of life you hail from, we all live here on this one planet, in this one time, sharing the same resources, breathng the same air. Let's share in love.

The spiritual name given to me by my guru is Akaljeet Kaur, or in english "Princess who walks with grace and courage beyond time and space."

I have walked many roads in my life; most have been trying paths,with pain as a companion. I am blind as a result of childhood cancer, but I have never let that come between me and all the blessigs of life. My blindness is in many ways, a unique and precious blessing. So are those other roads I've wlked. My spirit animal is the butterfly, a sign of metamorphisis, change, growth and purpose. The butterfly knows her path. Spreading her beautiful wings, she soars toard her destination without leting anything pull her far vfrom her course. We can all learn something from her.

We each hav a unique set of gifts, strengths and weaknesses. As you read this blog, I hope you embrace all you have been given, and use it to help yourself and those around you. Share, love, learn and grow.


-Akaljeet Kaur

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