Sunday, July 5, 2009

Crystal magic 101: Choosing your crystals

The first and most important part of crystal magic is choosing your stones. Choosing your crystals can be a challenging, lengthy process, or it can be a one-touch, one-look love affair. Bear in mind as you seek out crystals for yourself or others that these are very powerful tools of healing and energy, and they do have a huge impact on the user. Be well aware of the power these stones wield at all times. Use wisely and with care, for these stones can heal and harm indiscriminantly when they are improperly used, or their warnings are ignored. They, like all other beings of energy operate under the laws of karma and magic. The law of 3 and all karmic laws do apply, so what you do with these stones will come back to you three-fold, in good or in ill.

Once you feel prepared to become a crystalworker, please understand that you are embarking upon a journey of self-healing, self discovery, and miracles. Perhaps more than almost any energetic tool we have in our arsenal these days, the crystals carry knowledge, power, and transformation, and the are willing to share it with you, if you are wiling to share yourself, your talent, and your commitment with them. Keep in mind that the crystals mirror the truth and light in everything, so hiding things from them is impossible; they’ll bring it all out and lay it on the table. So be sure you’re ready to undergo lot of introspection before you decide crystals are for you.

Crystalssignify different things to different people. I have heard them described as beings of light, friends, guides, stones, pretty rocks, healing tools, or perhaps, most aptly, implements of magic. To me, personally, they are all of these, and much more.

Here I put a big caution sign. If you are monotheistic in faith you may read the word “magic” and think crystals aren’t for you. The use of crystals should, in no way, conflict with religious views; instead, it should add to or enhance them. Magic means meany things to many people. If you are willing to embrace the fact that you are a radiant soul full of potential, then you are ready to begin crystalwork and add its benefits to your life.

Choosing a source for your crystals is just as important as choosing the crystals themselves. Think of the crystals you are bringing into your aura as prescriptions, for they are just as powerful. They affect the body, mind and spirit on a physical level by adjusting the magnetic resonances of the body and things around you.

We each have a perceptible aura around us. Some people can see this aura, but most technology, animals and natural environments perceive this aura. (That’s why the radio or TV gets all fuzzy when you move.) Every human has the ability to feel auras coming into contact with his or her own. It’s that prickle you get on the back of your neck when someone else sneaks in the room behind you, or that crawling chill up your spine when someone you don’t like is nearby. It’s that warm glow that seeps into you when you are around someone you love.

Crystals work by altering the auric structure, for the most part. They act on the mind and heart by mirroring certain emotions to us, helping us discern and implement certain qualities in ourselves and others, and they can pinpoint and release emotional barriers and blockages. They can and do heal physical and mental illnesses when used correctly, but they can exaserbate underlying problems if the wrong crystals are used on the wrong areas of the body, or worn around the wrong people. Use your intuition and your awareness, but know that in most cases, the crystals will direct and guide you with gentleness and love as to their use and care.

Plenty of stores sell gemstones, rocks and minerals, but reatively few are specifically tailored to the needs of crystalworkers and metaphysics. You can still buy from nonmetaphysical stores, but I recommend that as you begin your crystal journey, you start with a source who can guide you, or provide you tips, and help along the way. There are an endless variety of crystals out there, and it helps in the beginning to have a friendly face and a brain to pick, because none of us know it all from the get go.

If you don’t have a metaphysical store near you, and a google search doesn’t turn up anything, here are the stores online I use and recommend highly. These stores have working healers and/or crystal experts you can talk to via email or phone, and all are able to accurately and carefully select stones that are specific to you and your individual needs.

Howl at the Moon

Susan (Gemstoner) is one of the most knowledgeable and easy-to-work-with crystalworkers I have ever interacted with. You’ll find her site to be packed with wonderful, quality gemes, helpful advice, references, and ideas. Her prices are great, and she’s always available to answer your questionsor make something extra special for you. She has an uncanny knack of picking the stones that are perfect for me. Ore than anyone, I trust her skills at picking my stones when I can’t do it myself.

The Crystal Matrix

Patricia Bankins and the staff at The Crystal Matrix are experts at finding those hard to find, one-of-a-kind crystals. They are local to me, and I use them for a lot of my own healing needs, as well as buying many of my working stones from them for my patients.

Rocks and Runes

This is another local store to me here in los Angeles. They specialize in gorgeous metaphysical jewelry, but they also have a great reference section, and a wonderful staff who can findany kind of precious or semi-precious stone you need, and set it for you if need be. Nothing is too strange or hard for them. They also carry beautiful carved runes (as the name implies) and pendulums.

I’m very picky about the sites I trust, and these are my top faves at the moment. As the list grows, I’l let you know.

Some things to look for when choosing a vender include:
Quality of product. Does the store specifically handle crystals, or is it a bead store or gift shop that carries a few crystals and candles. If it’s a store that does not carry just crystals, are they aware of where their crystals were mined, what techniques were used, and who polished, cut or cared for the stones bfore they were available for retail? All of these factors play a vital role in the life and work of your crystals. Improper mining practices leave the crystal traumatized, and unable to adequately care for you. Additionally, these mining practices harm the earth, and supporting them by purchasing their products only encourages furer harm. When slecting your crystals, I highly advise learning about where your stones came from, and how they came to your hands.

AN informed buyer makes a happy healer. :-d Don’t hesitate to ask questions. What metaphysical properties does the crystal in question possess? How should it be used? When and where should it be recharged? If a store has a knowledgable staff, they will gladly answer these questions for you.

Lastly, when you walk into a store, look for a vibe. Does the store make you feel calm and welcome, or uneasy and confused? Are the staff kind to all the customers? What other products are on the shelves and do you like them?

When buying crystals, make sure you check the stores return policy. The stores I recommended above have policies that allow you to choose the crystals that are best for you as a working practitioner, meaning that if the stone does not feel right to you once it is shipped to you, they will take returns, and work closely with you to find the right stone. Note that policies do change, so always read before clicking the purchase button.

When selecting stones, there are two ways to go. If you have a specific mineral or crystal in mind, for example, rose quartz, decide how the crystal can best help you or your healing practice. Do you need it in tumbled stones, jewelry, points, spheres, eggs… Crystals come in an endless variety of shapes, sizes, and forms, and each has its own uses and characteristics.

Once you’ve decided what you’re looking for, find the pieces available, then let your intuition and hand chakras guide you. For example, if you’ve decided that you’re looking for a rose quartz pendant, let your hands hover over the display tray, and your fingers be pulled to a particular pendant. Relying on your eyes isn’t the best course of action here sometimes. They can help you, but let your chakras do most of the talking.

If you’re not sure what kind of stone you’re looking for, spend time wandering among the crystals until you find one that catches your eye or hand. Even if its an unfamiliar mineral, let your own inner healer guide you. Your body is the best expert at knowing what it needs at the moment. You may not realize that you are strugging to release an emotional hurt until the smoky quartz points attract your attention. Go with your whim here, that’s how your inner healer communicates with you.

Yes, size does matter. But unfailingly, I’ve seen that the crystals choose you, and the crystals that are within your financial means tend to be the ones that call to you. Trust the crystals, and allow them to know your needs. Tumbled stones may be small, but they’re mighty. Don’t be concerned if all you can afford right now is a handful of tumbled stones, or a single pendant. The crystals will come to you as you are ready, so don’t spend outside your means. Tust that what you buy will be enough for you.

Once you’ve selected a crystal, spend time sitting with it and meditating. If it’s ten seconds standing in an empty store aisle, or an hour spent in the back room of a metaphysical store, take all the time you need to commune with your heart, pray, feel the energy of the crystal, and decide if it fits you. Don’t be afraid to ask them to hold the stone for you for a day or two while you go home and research it or meditate about the purchase.

Selecting a crystal is as complex as selecting a lover. This is your working partner, your guide and friend. Choose a stone that speaks to you, appeals to you. From color, to texture, to luster and weight, experience the crystal completely before you add it to your aura.

I hope this helps you make a smart and informed by. Happy hunting!

Namaste, Sat Nam!


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