Thursday, July 9, 2009

Crystal Magic 101: Cleansing Crystals

Many people use the words cleansing, charging and programming interchangeably. But it’s important to note the distinctions between each, and to denote their importance in your crystal work. Each is a very important step in working safely and accurately with crystal magic. If a baker skips the yeast, the bread won’t rise. It’s just as important to properly and carefully cleanse each of your crystals.

What is crystal cleansing?

Just what it sounds like. When you cleanse crystals, you’re cleaning the surface of chemicals and fingerprints, but much more importantly, you’re detoxing the energy of the stone, allowing its magnetic resonances to realign to you, giving it a chance to get rid of all that negative energy it’s picked up and opening it to receive a new charge and program.

WE each need sleep to allow our brains to sort through the mess of our days and dream things out. We need food to nurish us, we need water to sustain us and wash toxins out. Cleansing, to your crystals, is as important as water is to you. Some crystals, such as citrine, are self-cleansing, and can cleanse crystals placed upon them. But most crystals have no way to self cleanse. You can open your mouth and drink water, so give your crystals the same chance.

Your crystals should be cleansed after any major work. Stones you wear daily can be cleansed at night in a salt bed:

Most crystals love salt. A few prefer not to be near it, but they’re rare. Fill a bowl with sea salt (not ionized). When you take off your pendants, tumbled stones and jewelry before bed, place them in the salt bed with a thank you and a prayer for them. Let them lightly cleanse over night before you wear them again the next day. You don’t need to re-program them after this light cleansing. All you’ve done is taken any outside influence or negativity away, and allowed them to detox a little.

When you first buy a crystal, give it a good cleanse before using it. This prevents you from taking on anything the crystal dealt with before it came to you, and allows the crystal to have a fresh start in its new home. As you get to know the crystal, it wil begin to inform you quite clearly when it’s ready for a new cleanse. This can be as often as every month, and as rare as once a year depending on the composition of the crystal, and what you’re doing with it.

Cleansing Crystals

There are many different techniques out there for cleansing crystals, but most revolve in some form around the four elementss of earth, air, fire and water. In some Celtic belief systems, as well as in Tibetan or caballa practices, human guidance or body magic can also be used. Below is a brief outline of some of the most commonly used cleansing rituals.

Please note that some crystals respond best to a specific cleansing, either because of mineral composition or energetic cotent. I list a few here, but I’m compiling a full glossary of crystals and properties to go up later which also will note cleansing, charging and programming preferences.

Water cleansing

Please do not perform this ritual on any sodium-based minerals, such as anything in the calcite family. Most quartz crystals respond very well to this form of cleansing. The quartz family includes agate, carnelian, aventurine, citrine, amethyst, and anything else in the SIO2 mineral class.

If you’re lucky enough to live near a source of pure running water such as a brook or stream, this may be a perfect ritual for you. Cryrstals love the motion of water. It makes it very easy for them to release their negativity, and purify themselves gently and completely without expending a ton of energy in the process.

Some people maintain hold of their crystals and simply dip them int a river or stream for cleansing. I prefer to make a medicine bag out of a water permeable fabric such as organic cotton or bamboo, and place the crystal in the bag. I secure the bag to a root or rock so it will not wash away, and let the crystal remain in the stream overnight if possible. (I don’t get to use this ritual very often because I live in the city but when I have done it, the crystals have thanked me in many ways. They love it.)

If, like me, you’re stuck in the city, a good alternative is a fountain. Find a fountain in a sacred place, or invest in one of your own. You don’t need a huge fountain, just a source of fresh, clean running water deep enough to cover your crystals. Place your crystals in the bowl of the fountain and let the water do the rest. You may find that it takes a couple days for this to work, but have patience and let the crystals clean themselves. The more you mess with them during this process, the harder it is for them to get their work done. Thank heavens, the crystals actually listen when you tell them to do something. So nag your kids and spouse about cleaning rooms and doing dishes, but tell your crystals once, and then trust that it’ll get done. :-d Don’t you wish everything was that easy?

Some crystals, especially ice crystals, nephrite (jade), rose quartz, and anything from the termaline family love the rain. Putting your crystals outside in a good soaking rain makes for very happy friends in your magic later on. I find that placing my big record keepers and laser crystal wands outside during a thunderstorm is a quick easy way to both cleanse and charge crystals that normally need a lot of attention. Again, set them out, and walk away. (As long as they’re in a place where they won’t walk away on someone else’s legs.) Crystals are magical items that hold part of you. Don’t leave them around for just anyone to pick up and use. They can be used against you, so be cautious about who touches your stones, and who is near them as they cleanse and charge.

Fire Cleanse

Amethysts do not like sunlight, so please keep them away from fire cleansing, along with moonstone, some topaz, and other light-sensative stones.

There are two commonly used forms of pyrocleansing.

Sun cleansing is great for stones like sunstone, bloodstone, and clear quartz. Any stone that channels fire or earth elements usually responds well to sunlight and draws it deep, becoming immensely powerful. Did you know that the diamond in your wedding ring is also a metaphysical stone? Diamonds love light, so show it off and clean it up at the same time! Place your sun-craving stones on a window sill at midday, and watch them sparkle in the light. Most stones don’t need a lot of time to sun cleanse. It’s a quick and easy way to cleanse, but most stones prefer a gentler deeper cleanse from water when they can get it. So use sun cleansing only intermittently. Remember that stones come from earth, and sun is not heir native energy. It’s harder for them to stay clean with a sun cleanse in some cases, so ask the stones what works. Trust me, they’ll let you know if you’re willing to listen.

The other method of fire cleansing is one I don’t recommend for beginners, because it needs a strong, practiced mind, and a steady magical hand to perform it correctly. Smudging crystals is probably the fastest way to cleanse them, but smudging is not a self cleansing process. The most common ingredient for smudging is sage, though dragon’s blood, lavender and other herbs can also be used, depending on what you will be using the stone for. For smudge cleansing, only the herb in it’s purest essence should be used, so use a sage smudge stick, or dried herbs, rather than incense, oil or candles. Light the herbs, bless the ritual, and use your right hand or your casting hand to waft the smoke over the crystal in your left hand or open hand. (reverse the hands if you are left handed, or cast and receive opposite the standard). The smudging should be done in a cast circle for maximum benefit, and should be done with intent chanted, or direct will applied to cleanse the stone of all previous negativity and all that does not serve it in it’s current place in your aura.

Earth Cleansing
Cleansing using the crystals native element is a favorite among your rocks. It’s like vacation/family reunion day for them, and they’ll come back to work for you as refreshed and happy as can be.

I like to dedicate the earth with a blessing or ritual before I consecrate my crystals to it. I start by casting a circle, and blessing the earth, giving back of myself, asking that she may be generous to me and my stones. Mother Earth is straining herself to the breaking point to keep up with all the demands we place on her. Honor her, and feel of her pain. The more you give to her, the more she can freely give to you without pain. The more you take from her, the less she can give to you without letting go of her magic—in effect, killing herself to meet your needs. Do a karma check and remember to always give of yourself to her before you ask her to give to you!

Once you’ve found your sacred ground, spend time with your hands in the earth, turning it, feeling it, experiencing it. Smell it, taste it, breathe it into you. I use another medicine bag of the same permeable material for this ritual. Bury your stones, and be sure to leave a marker atop the spot for easy retrieval in a few days. This process can take anywhere from several days to a week, to a full moon cycle for some traumatized stones. (more on trauma and stones in another post.)

All stones enjoy this ritual, and at least once every year, usually around the solstice, you should earth cleanse your stones, to give them a little time to re-group, and care for themselves. They’ve spent so much time caring for you, do them a favor and return the love.

Salt Cleanse

Salt water cleansing is probably the most commonly used form of crystal cleansing, but it’s not for all stones. My own personal recipe for salt cleansing baths for my crystals:

Enough water to cover the crystal in a large ceramic bowl of white (metal bowls, metallic glazes and glass should be avoided, along with woods and synthetics).
Please use purified water to avoid leaving mineral deposits on your stones
1 part salt to 3/1/2 parts water.
I work on a high salt content, so you can dilute this slightly for a less potent cleanse. This is a good strong recipe for ‘sterilizing’ crystals for working crystal healers with clients, but I do recommend less salt for personal cleansing
For every 12 fluid Oz. of water, add 12 drops lavender or sage oil
Occasionally I use other oils for a specific cleanse, but these are the best for overall cleansing
Immerce the crystals overnight, and let them bathe. Don’t babysit, don’t bug them, again, go away and let them do self-care without having to worry about you.

Dry the crystals after any water submersion with a soft towel.

Cluster cleansing

Large amethyst or clear quartz clusters are good for this cleansing though a few other clusters can also be used. Place smaller crystals on top of the cluster, and let the talk together for a while. Your ears might burn, but the smaller crystals will come away refreshed and enlightened. The big clusters are generally self-cleansing, though an earth cleanse every blue moon or solstice doesn’t hurt.

Wind cleansing

Wind is a very strong cleanser for crystals, especially a weather phennomonon like the Santa Ana winds of California, the monsoons, or the winds of Indian summer. My favorite way to do this is to put my crystals in a medicine bag, and tie the bag up high near wind chimes, or set it in the window near an Aeolian harp. Wind is the elemental voice of music along with water, and crystals respond very strongly to music. Try different chimes or different times of day and season for this cleansing to find what each individual stone prefers.

Body magic cleansing

This is a very private practice, and very controversial, so I’ll just touch upon it here. In tantra, druidism and other body magic belief systems, placing the crystal near certain chakras of the body, and using deep trance to cleanse and commune with the crystal is believed to provide a higher level of cleansing. Body magic is difficult karmically, and should not be done without full knowledge and training. It requires karmic sacrifice, and magic gifting preparation. When done improperly, it can result in auric injury, or damage to the soul, spirit, body and heart. When done correctly, it can result in a level of communication with your crystal that is unsurpassed. I’m an adept, and yet, even I approach this ritual with tremendous care, and only when absolutely crucial. But it can be done, and it is a resource for those facing life threatening situations, or major karmic or soul issues. Be sure you see a certified, trained crystal healer who has experience in body magic, akashic record or aura reading, and yogic healing. This should only be done with very specific crystals.

Crystal care

Store your crystals on or near a sacred place in your home, or in a designated place in the house or on your person. They are special beings, and you should care for them as partners and friends. Make sure they are kept clean, and the oils of your skin removed before putting them away after each use. Give them light and breathing room when they need it, and use them often to keep them active and happy. A dormant crystal is unable to earn karma, so bring it out and give it work.

When transporting them, or storing them, there is debate as to the best container to use. Some say that wood is unacceptable, but I come from the Celtic tradition and find the opposite is true. Woods have their own magic, and though the tree gave itself for the wood, there are metaphysical shops out there that make boxes out of drift wood, or fallen limbs freely given by the tree. I use these woods to store my crystals in. Research the properties of the wood you choose, and make sure it is in line with your intentions and desires before putting your crystals in it, then watch what happens. If your crystals like there new home, they’ll let you know. Oak, ash, murtle, walnut, maple, holly, rowan and willow are some of the best healing woods and make great crystal homes.

Some crystals don’t like wood, and their high metal content makes them particularly picky. They may do well in a ceramic or earthernware container, or a metal container, though the latter is rare.

Cotton, bamboo, silk or other organic fabric bags are good for storing crystals, but beware of leather. It’s that darned karma thing again. Putting your crystals in leather is like putting them in a head-lock. Synthetic leather isn’t as bad, but I prefer to keep synthetics away from the crystals whenever possible. Leather makes it hard for the crystals to reach out and sense the world around them. You’ve basically blindfolded, ear-plugged and tied the hands of your friend. Not nice.

Treat your crystals with care and love. They are karmic beings who love you an care for you, and it’s only fair to return the favor to yourself and them. If you have specific questions regarding crystal cleansing, feel free to leave a comment, and I will do my best to answer you.


-Akaljeet Kaur

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